Difficulty: star star star_border
Junkrat’s area-denying armaments include a Frag Launcher that lobs bouncing grenades, Concussion Mines that send enemies flying, and Steel Traps that stop foes dead in their tracks.
Role: Defense
Hit Points
Health: 200
Total Mayhem
Junkrat's deranged sense of humor persists past his death. If defeated, he drops several live grenades.
Frag Launcher
Junkrat's Frag Launcher lobs grenades a significant distance. They bounce to reach their destination, and blow up when they strike an enemy.
Concussion Mine
After placing one of his homemade Concussion Mines, Junkrat can trigger it to damage enemies and send them flying... or propel himself through the air.
Steel Trap
Junkrat tosses out a giant, metal-toothed trap. Should an enemy wander too close to the trap, it clamps on, injuring and immobilizing them.
Junkrat revs up a motorized tire bomb and sends it rolling across the battlefield, climbing over walls and obstacles. He can remotely detonate the RIP-Tire to deal serious damage to enemies caught in the blast, or just wait for it to explode on its own.
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