Clad in powered armor and swinging his hammer, Reinhardt leads a rocket-propelled charge across the battleground and defends his squadmates with a massive energy barrier.
Rocket Hammer
Reinhardt’s Rocket Hammer is an exemplary melee weapon, able to deal punishing damage in a wide arc with every swing.
Barrier Field
Reinhardt projects a broad, forward-facing energy barrier, which can absorb substantial damage before it is destroyed. Though Reinhardt can protect himself and his companions behind the barrier, he cannot attack while sustaining it.
Reinhardt charges forth in a straight line, pinning the first enemy in his path and knocking others aside. If he collides with a wall, the foe he’s carrying suffers extreme damage.
Fire Strike
By whipping his Rocket Hammer forward, Reinhardt slings a flaming projectile which pierces and damages any enemies it touches.
Reinhardt forcefully slams his Rocket Hammer into the ground, knocking down and damaging all enemies in front of him.